If we are “essential” workers, then why weren’t we first in line for an “essential” loan?
There are many important people that kept working, risking their lives to maintain America’s infrastructure during this crisis. People who delivered meds, food and supplies. Store clerks, lab techs, security guards, nurses. All critical.
So many small businesses that had to remain in motion so that others could remain alive.
Primary care physicians are the front line of healthcare.
We flattened the curve.
Once patients get past us, they become the curve.
Can you imagine facing this crisis, or any healthcare challenge, without the heart and soul of primary care physicians?
How did the first to serve become the last in line for a small business loan?
America, make a promise right now.
Commit resources to save primary care.
Pay primary care better and in advance.
Don’t make us lose independence, or join a hospital group just to get paid fairly.
Reduce our administrative hell.
Stop the prior authorizations.
Simplify Telehealth rules.
You know we need help.
You know you need us.
There’s no more time to talk about it.